Friday, December 24, 2010

Festive Truffles.. Merry Christmas!

This is the best part of the entire year.. It's all about food, love, and looking back at the year wishing that the best of the one that has past is the worst of the year to come.. Of course, as I'm sipping a beautiful glass of mulled wine I'm getting a little emotional, thinking back at everything this year had to offer.. And as the household and my taste buds are preparing for my mom in law Ronnie's beautiful Christmas lunch tomorrow, I  would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.. 

Makes about 22 - 24 truffles
  • 200g mild dark chocolate (65%)
  • 2 TBL heavy cream
  • 1 tsp cream cheese
  • 1 tsp instant coffee
  • ¼ tsp almond extract
  • toasted pecans, cocoa powder or any topping you prefer (for example toasted coconut, white chocolate, etc.)

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler, add the instant coffee and let it cool a little.. Add the heavy cream, cream cheese and almond extract, then mix until smooth and thick.. Let it cool in the fridge for an hour or until chilled..
Shape the mixture into small balls, and then toss it with your preferred coating in a bowl.. Place the truffles in a container and chill in the fridge until you are ready to serve them.. Happy Holidays once again.. Much love from D's Kitchen xx


  1. i have a qs - instant coffee powder or do i have to make coffee & use jus a tsp

  2. So sorry for the delayed response Melo, I have a problem with tis system and miss comments all the time. Fixing that issue as we speak! Use instant coffee powder. I know it's late, but better late than never! All the best, D x
