Friday, May 20, 2011

Oven Baked Sea Bass

That's it, I’m sorry but I just couldn't wait any longer to post a recipe!! I really wanted my next post to be from the new blog, but unfortunately due to some hick ups, and as everything in Dubai, the delay is far overdue and I miss sharing my recipes.. So the next few posts will be coming from here, until the new and improved D's Kitchen goes live :)

So much has happened in the past few weeks.. We're in our new house and family has been with us since which is just priceless.. And let me tell you about this new kitchen, it really is D's dream come true!! I'm being so silly that I'm eating five times a day just because I want to get in there and whip something up :)

One of the first recipes I made was this beautifully baked Sea Bass.. The tender, flavoursome fish with the sweet caramelized onions is just divine and quite simple to make.. Enjoy!

Easy. Prep & Cook Time: 40 minutes
Serves 4 - 6
  • 4 sea bass, cleaned and scaled
  • 3 large onions, thinly sliced
  • 3 lemons, cut in wedges
  • bunch of parsley, no stalks
  • salt and cracked pepper
  • large knob of butter and olive oil

Preheat oven to 200C. In a pan, melt some butter and olive oil and cook the onions over medium heat until they are golden. Season with salt and pepper, then lay them out on the base of a baking dish.

Rub the sea bass with lemon and coarse sea salt (if available), then place the parsley and lemon wedges in the cavity. Brown the fish for just a minute or so in the same pan you cooked the onions in, then place them on top of the onions, drizzle with a generous amount of olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake for about 15 minutes, the turn the broiler function on and bake for another 5 minutes or until golden. Bon Appétit!

Little Tip: Add thinly sliced potatoes on the bottom of the baking dish before placing the whole thing in the oven - absolutely delicious!

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