Friday, August 12, 2011

D in Provence

I'm back home in Dubai after a beautiful holiday, and instead of posting a recipe during Ramadan hours (yes I'm trying to be considerate towards the fasting :) I will post some pictures of Provence.. We started in the south of France and drove all the way to Barcelona, stopping in gorgeous towns and small villages on the road.. 

I grew up in Paris until age 19, before heading off to NYC for college and funny enough I never really missed living in France.. Don't get me wrong - I loved Paris, the quality of life, the food and produce of course, but somehow the cold nature of Parisians always bothered me.. Even though I must admit I was a tad like them living there!

But on this trip, for the first time in many years I actually missed La France more than anything.. I love living in the UAE, but somehow I got all emotional about being back there.. The perfect Cafe Crème, the rude French Waiter, walking into the yummy scent of a Boulangerie, the musicians on the street, the gorgeous selection of oozing cheeses at the Fromagerie, I could go on and on and on... Vive la France ;)

D xx

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